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Mozambique’s hottest upcoming rapper is sending shockwaves through the music industry once again! This time, partnered with Hekate Media for the most electric show this time of year, he’s going to make history in the Mozambican media industry! You just have to be there!

Kayman took some time off his busy schedule and sat down to have a conversation with us and we got some pretty neat insight into him. Check out our questions and his answers.

Question: What’s your name and your artistic name?

When we asked him what his name is, he told us that it is Edson Kayman Joao. He likes his middle name more than the others and uses it in his artistic name, which he chose to be Kaymane-94. It sounds so cool…like a futuristic soldier or bot, version 94. He was born in 1994, which is why he chose that particular number.

Question: how would you describe your style of lyrical composition?

I describe it as profound and sincere. It’s a means of expressing my feelings. I like to be expressive with my feelings so that those who relate to them can identify with them and know that they are not alone.

Question: What state do you want Mozambican music to reach if your music has optimal influence?

I’d like for my music to help cultural growth. There are many creative youngsters who know how to make good music without sticking to trends and that brings a nice dynamic to our music market.

Question: What’s your target audience?

Youngsters who have suffered/suffer because of love, or any other reason in life. Love is a beautiful feeling, so, when it’s unrequited, it can cause a lot of pain and affect other areas in our lives.

As you can see, Kaymane 94 is a man who is very much in touch with his emotional side. He prioritizes his feelings and makes sure they are known. He is not afraid to put his heart on the line. In a world where it is cool and trendy to hide one’s feelings about things, especially people, even when they’re positive, Kaymane is here to show us that it’s not a bad thing. We look forward to following your career.

Check out his music on Spotify and see for yourself what Mozambican talent really looks like!

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