The X-Men live action movies saga has had its fair share of ups and downs over the years, and back in the early 2010s, there was a lot of doubt about whether the X-Men movies would return to their former glory. X-Men made history. X-Men 2 improved greatly over its predecessor. X-Me: The Last Stand was lackluster. X-Men Origins: Wolverine dug a deeper ditch for the saga and all hope seemed lost. In fact, the studio's plan to focus on making origin stories for different characters was stalled due to the bad reception of Origins. The movie that was to be released after X-Men Origins: Wolverine was supposed to be X-Men Origins: Magneto, but it never saw the light of day. Instead, X-Me: First Class was made and incorporated elements of the Magneto movie into it. However, as with every prequel out there, there came continuity problems. This article will explore 11 inconsistencies in X-Men: First Class.
1. Mystique and Charles Growing Up Together
One of the first scenes of the movie shows Charles finding Mystique in disguise, raiding the refrigerator in his large mansion. He takes her in, seeing that she is a mutant, just like him. They end up growing up together. We watched the original trilogy that came years before this movie entered pre-production. In that trilogy, there was no indication at all that Charles and Mystique even knew each other. The only time we ever see Mystique in the mansion is in X-Men, when she poisons Cerebro so that Charles can't track Magneto using it. She does so with no remorse, no second thoughts, no concern at all over the Professor. It seems a bit odd, considering they grew up together and he wasn't antagonistic with her. They never share any screentime at all either. Charles never mentioned Mystique when he was introducing Wolverine (and the audience) to the larger world that was around. It is also worth noting that even when Charles died, Mystique never attended his service. Considering that they grew up together, she would at least attend the service as a sign of respect for all he had done and how much of an impact she had in his life. The X-Men would not have been antagonistic towards her, seeing as she apparently grew up with him. They would see her sit and pay her respects to him, and would let her go without killing him. Even if she were afraid of what they could do to her, she would have still found a way around it...regardless of whether she was still a mutant or not.